Conflation with antisemitism
Ascribing antisemitic values to those advocating for Palestinians or a free Palestine, conflating speech critical of Israel with anti-Jewish sentiment, and accepting the premise that Palestinians are predisposed to hatred or antisemitism.
What are some examples of this?
Imagining a binary or natural conflict between Palestinians and Jewish people;
“Oh you’re Palestinian? Here is my opinion on Jewish people, etc.”;
Conflating anti-Zionism (Zionism is the founding of Israel) and antisemitism (hating Jewish people) harms and silences Palestinians, whose reasons to oppose Zionism are obvious;
Recent Israeli officials calling any international support for Palestinians antisemitic
What are the impacts of this?
Creates avenues for antisemites to co-opt Palestinian liberation to enable white supremacy in replicating both antisemitism and anti-Palestinian racism;
Creates harmful experiences for Palestinians by painting them as hateful, exposing them to racist encounters, and creating unnecessary social tensions between them and Jewish friends and peers;
Creates hurtful dynamics for Jewish people by framing those who support Palestinian human rights as at odds with their communities, by encouraging fear and suspicion, making antisemitism harder to understand and address;
Ignorance about Anti-Palestinian Racism begets ignorance about antisemitism, and this allows for learned behaviours and beliefs to be framed as natural or unchangeable.
What are some responses to this?
Hate breeds hate, antisemitism and anti-Palestinian racism harm everyone;
The only sustainable freedom and security for Palestinian and Jewish people in the Holy Land means no one is harmed by this conflict anymore;
Imagine if everyone who criticised the US seen as anti-Christian, or all critics of Saudi Arabia were immediately called Islamophobes;
Zionism is not an inherently pro-Jewish political community, there are far too many examples of antisemitism being tolerated within Zionist circles.