Erasure and Denial
Ignoring or suppressing the existence, history, culture, etc. of Palestine and Palestinians.
What are some examples of this?
“Palestine isn’t on this map.” This line is often used to silence or anger Palestinians, because it seeks to erase our history while denying our existence;
“You’re not actually Palestinian, you’re an Israeli Arab” This line works to erase Palestinians whose families stayed after Israel was founded, erasing Palestinian ties to the land;
“A land without a people for a people without a land” is a phrase often used to describe the founding of Israel, which erases the million Palestinians that lived there;
Widespread erasure, ranging from ignorance of to outright denial of the Nakba (Genocide of Palestinians in 1948-present) as well as denial of Palestinian lives, recent example Joe Biden dismissing the well-documented Gaza death count
What are the impacts of this?
Palestinians are not believed when we share our experiences. This can be seen by western media’s disregard of Palestinian journalists, non-Palestinian allies getting more media attention, and the outrageous ‘Pallywood’ term that accuses Palestinians of faking injuries, which has been debunked again and again;
So many Palestinian diaspora youth have grown up in environments that suppressed their identities, taught them that they could be punished for sharing their truth, that it’s best to keep that part of them hidden
What are some responses to this?
Palestinians exist, and deserve the same rights and humanity as everyone else;
Acknowledging a sustainable justice and peace in the Holy Land comes with truth and reconciliation as critical steps; Palestinian erasure and dehumanisation will not bring us closer to peace